Beautiful black broodmare by Fürst Wilhelm out of Grand Prix / elite dam line

Picture perfect Oldenburger mare 2017 by Fürst Wilhelm/Jazzman Has since juni 2023 a beautiful black filly by Fair Deal which we could now seperate. 3 generation elitemares in the pedigree ! Out of world-famous Grand Prix/elite dam line! The mare is a highlight for breeding : She comes out of a great motherline (Waldexedamline). It is one of the best in Oldenburg. Brother winner qualification German horse championship by the 6 years old dressage horses and later over 40 times winner and high placed in PSG and Intermediare I. Other brother qualificated for the Oldenburger licensing and elite auction. Other brother is sold for high Price over the elite auction to Spain and was than high placed on the stallion Championship. Mother, grandmother and urgrandmother are elitemares. Mother is sister to 2 international Grand Prix horses, licensed breeding stallion, elitemares, championship horses... Grandmother was champion mare in Oldenburg by the riding horses and high placed on the german horse Championship. Urgrandmother is 3 times stallion mother and her offsprings are successeful in the international PSG class. Also sold for highest prices over the eliteauction. Her sire, Fürst Wilhelm is from an insider tip to a main sire! Grand sire Jazzman, was a lot of years one of the breeding index highest sons of the Dutch top sire Jazz. She is still not ridden because she has already had 2022 a stunning colt by Valdiviani (here you can see the mare and the colt with 3 days ! on the video ) Video youtube Dream mare for breeding
Typ inzerátu: | Koně |
Plemeno | Oldenburg |
Typ koně | Teplokrevní |
Kůň vhodný pro | poučeného chovatele |
Temperament | ausgeglichen |
Využití | chov a výstavy |
Zbarvení | vraník |
Věk koně | 7 |
Pohlaví | Klisna |
Výběr služeb | Zuchtstute |